Friday, May 21, 2010

How do you install the Eclipse programming tool on Vista?

I can't get it to work, it's very difficult to unzip all the downloaded files, and when I try to launch the exe file it says something about not having the right companion file. Please can I have a VERY clear step by step guide for how to do it? Bear in mind that I'm computer illiterate. Cheers!

How do you install the Eclipse programming tool on Vista?
Not very nice comments here, obviously. The most user-friendly way that I have found to download everything you need for eclipse is to use

The UI can be a little bit confusing, but heres how it works... the items on your left represent different download options that you can add to your download (keep in mind you can use eclipse to develop a wide range of technologies). So for instance, I can customize my download and type in RAILS, hit find and add the Aptana Ruby On Rails IDE, then type in Python and PyDev comes up. I will now be able to develop both Python and Ruby on Rails with eclipse. When you are done customizing, select your platform of choice and click start download.

The tools don't require a special download to run on vista.
Reply:First, you need a version for the Vista OS.

Although I don't have Vista (have 98SE), I had no problem as mine came as a single package. I used an unzip program that unziped the entire thing and placed it in a single folder. Then I simply installed from that folder. There should be a 'setup.exe' file to do the installation.

Hope this helped
Reply:May I ask why you want to install Eclipse if you're computer illiterate? Yeah, Eclipse is user friendly as far as IDEs go, but it still requires a good amount of computer know-how to use.

In any case, you need to have a JVM installed on your machine. Goto and click the link that says 'Do I have Java?' and follow the instructions. If you don't have a JVM installed at all or if you have an older version, it will direct you on how to install the newest version.

If that doesn't solve the problem, I would recommend poking around as there is probably info on there about getting it to run in Vista.

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