Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is the best web application programming language to learn?

I currently write all my web apps in ASP, VBScript, JScript, SQL and of course, HTML. But I want to learn a new language that allows me to do more. Any suggestions? NOTE: I dislike .NET stuff. I would like to get completely away from Microsoft technologies.

What is the best web application programming language to learn?
Reply:I agree that .NET stuff is horrid. I would suggest looking into Python. I see and hear many good things about this. Although PHP is very popular now, I think Python is the up and coming language.

You may also get suggestions about Ruby but I feel this is just too new and might just be the 'language of the week'.
Reply:It would depend on if you are programming for yourself, or wish to get hired to do it.

Java and .Net are the two serious languages for professional developers. Before I get flamed by anyone, I would ask them to show me one Fortune 500 company doing any serious enterprise development using other languages.

On the other hand if you wish to learn quickly and have fun, I would suggest Ruby and specifically Ruby On Rails. It will be a breeze to get started. Python has been around quite a while and has never gained any serious following. If you wish to pursue it look at Zope.

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